Thalassitis 2012
  Decanter Word Wine Awards  
Thalassitis 2011
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Thalassitis 2006
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Thalassitis 2013
  Decanter Word Wine Awards  




Η Σαντορίνη πάει μπροστά
Ντίνος Στεργίδης, The Food & Leisure Guide, 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015, Ελλάδα
Rediscovered Classics: Santorini
By Tara Q. Thomas, Wine & Spirits Magazine, 4 September 2015, US
Les vins grecs: antidote à l’ennui
By Nadia Fournier,, 26 May 2015, Canada
Ode on Grecian White Wines – a Modern Success Story
By Lettie Teague, The Wall Street Journal, 8 May 2015, US
Santorini’s Assyrtiko: A wine that invites Chablis comparisons!
By Merrill Witt,, 18 April 2015, Australia
Read the article:
Wines That Greece Can Bank On
By Will Lyons, The Wall Street Journal, 5 March 2015, US
Greek Wine 101: A Guide To Varieties, Pairings And Exciting Regions
By Kamal Kouiri, Food Republic, 26 February 2015, US
10 Greek Whites for Winter
By Susan Kostrzewa, Wine Enthusiast, February 2015 issue, US
2013 Gaia, Thalassitis, Assyrtiko , Santorini
By Tim Atkin MW, Tim’s Tasting Notes, 11 January 2015, UK


An Assyrtiko as rare as a mermaid
By Jancis Robinson,, 1 December 2014, UK
Affordable wines from Greece and Chile
By Grape Experiences,, 13 November 2014, US
Gaia Thalassitis Assyrtiko
By Alontin’s australian wine reviews and beyond,, 12 November 2014, Australia
The secret of the lost Gaia Thalassitis 2009
By Wine Commanders,, 6 October 2014, GR
Gaia Wines ovvero sulla spiaggia di Santorini c’è una cantina e del vino
By Andrea Petrini, 1 September 2014, Italy
Thalassitis 2009, The unveiling
Alquimie, edition 3
By Alquimie,, 18 July 2014, Australia
5 Lesser-Known Varietals You Should Add to Your Wine Rack
By Eric Asimov,, 30 May 2014, US
Le Rendez-Vous Vinicole fr 2014
By Roger Huet,, 28 May 2014, Canada
Read the article: #
Helt gresk for meg
By Geir Salvesen, Afterposten, 23 May 2014, Norway
Drink Different: Go Greek!
By Bill Zacharkiw,, 20 May 2014, Canada
Santorini, Greece-Island of Sun and Wine
By, May 2014, UK
Παλαιωμένα Ασύρτικα-Θαλασσίτης 2008 και η απόλαυση θα είναι όλη δική σας!
Από τον Τάσο Πικούνη,, 16 Απριλίου 2014, Ελλάδα
ProWein 2014 – meine besten Entdeckungen
By Matthias Neske, Chez Matze, 8 April 2014, Germany
A Taste of Santorini: Gastronomy, Wine and Sunset Haven
Video by Cravings, 24 March 2014, US
Quick Pairings
By, 16 March 2014, US
New Tasting Notes: It’s all Greek
By Huon Hooke,, 13 February 2014, Australia
Best Imported White
By Huon Hooke,, 4 February 2014, Australia


Santorini: Gaia Wines
By Jorge Alonso, Contado Vinhos, 20 September 2013, Brazil
In the deep blue sea
By Whine on the rocks, 17 September 2013, Cyprus
Thalassitis Submerge 2013-The Interview
By Athenee Importer, 17 September 2013, US [Video]
What to drink while visiting Greece
By Markus Stolz,, 20 August 2013, Greece
Assyrtiko: learn to say it, spell it, sip it, love it
By Bill Zacharkw, Montreal Gazette, 28 July 2013, Canada
As Greek as the Sea
By Eric Asimov,, 23 May 2013, US
“Roma Antica”
By Flavio Velasquez Espino,, 13 May 2013, Panama
Gaia Thalassitis Assyrtiko 2011
By Tim Appelt,, 7 May 2013, Canada
Life with Wine: Greece
By the Daily Sip,, 1 May 2013, US
On Greek Wines, Tastings, Family and Sharing
By Dorothy Gaiter,, 29 April 2013, US
Getting to know Assyrtiko & Santorini’s claim to the world’s oldest vines
By Patricia Reilly,, 24 April 2013, US
Biblical Wines
By Markus Stolz,, 23 April 2013, Greece
A Trio of Great Greek Wines for the Table
By Nick Martinelli, The Spirited Gourmet, 25 March 2013, US
Crisis Wine Part I
By Gobindjit S. Dhaliwal, Panama Wine Review, 25 March 2013, Panama
Greece is the word
By Harry J. Morris, Harry Morris Wine Blog, 3 March 2013, UK
Greek Wines at the Circle of Wine Writers
The Cambridge Wine Blogger, 26 February 2013, UK
Greek Wine Gaia Thalassitis Santorini 2011
By Jon Rogers, Honest Wine Reviews, 24 February 2013, USA
Για πρώτη φορά δοκιμή σπάνιων ελληνικών κρασιών στο Circle of Wine Writers στο Λονδίνο
Από, 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2013, Ελλάδα
Wines of Santorini…from Assyrtiko to Vinsanto
By Wine Compass Blog, 5 February 2013, US
Debra Meiburg MW leads Greek wine tasting at the Hong Kong Country Club
By Olive Tree HK, 1 February 2013, Hong-Kong
White wines with character
By Gobindjit S. Dhaliwal, Panama Wine Review, 8 January 2013, Panama
Η ηφαιστειογενής Σαντορίνη κατέχει το ισχυρότερο brand name της ελληνικής οινικής παραγωγής
Travel Times, σελ.60-61, Ελλάδα


Gaia Wines & Leon Karatsalos
By foodielogbook.blogspot, 30 October 2012, Panama
A conversation with Leon Karatsalos
By Gobindjit S. Dhaliwal, Panama Wine Review, 23 October 2012, Panama
Assyrtiko, Limniona and Xinomavro
By Markus Stolz,, 23 October 2012, Greece
Submerging Thalassitis 2011
By Andrea Englisis,, 9 September 2012, US
Greek Wine Tasting, Asian Palate
By Jeannie Cho Lee MW, 6 September 2012, China
Summer Thrill Ride: Assyrtiko from Santorini
By Linda Murphy Wine Review Online, 14 August 2012, US
Redd Hellas – Kjøp knallbra vin
By Svein Lindin, Vinofil, 21 July 2012, Norway
Boulevard Social Santorini Assyrtiko Experience
By Ilkka Siren, The Viini TV, 20 July 2012, Finland
Is Aging Wine Underwater a Fad?
By Wine Folly, 16 July 2012, US
Greek Wines: I like the juice
By Gobindjit S. Dhaliwal, Panama Wine Review, 13 July 2012, Panama
Greek grapes to celebrate
By Huon Hooke, The Sydney Morning Herarl, 10 July 2012, Australia
What to Drink Now: New Wines of Greece…Assyrtiko from Santorini
By Hayley Hamilton, Side Dish-D Maganize, 9 July 2012, US
Ocean’s ’11
By Huon Hooke, Hooked on Wine, 5 July 2012, Australia
Ask a Sommelier: What Wine Do I Bring to a BBQ?
Bon Appétit, 3 July 2012, US
What to Drink Now: A Few of My Favorite White Wines
By Hayley Hamilton, SideDish-D Magazine, 26 June 2012, US
Opa! Greek Wines Create Some Buzz
By Elizabeth Gerst, CNBC.COM, 15 Jun 2012
Award Winners 2012
HallGartenDruit, June 2012, UK
Gaia Wines Péloponnèse Thalassitis 2009
Le Sommelier Fou, June 2012, Canada
Μεγάλη επιτυχία των Ελληνικών κρασιών: Τα βραβεία Decanter 2012!
Ανδρέας Ανδρουλιδάκης, Βήμα Gourmet, 24 Μαΐου 2012, Ελλάδα
Μεγάλη επιτυχία των Ελληνικών κρασιών: Τα βραβεία Decanter 2012!
House of Wine, 22 Μαΐου 2012, Ελλάδα
Tara Q. Thomas talks about Greek Wines on Splendid Table Radio
21 April 2012, Splendid Table Radio, USA
The Ancient Assyrtiko Vines of Gai’a Wines
By Aaron Nix-Gomez, 17 April 2012,, USA
3 White Wines For Red Wine Drinkers
By Etty Lewensztain, 10 January 2012, Huffington Post, USA


May I Recommend: Lessons of Great Sommeliers
By Lettie Teague, 10 December 2011, The Wall Street Journal-on wine, USA
Unlikely Companions? No! 8 Tips for pairing wine & soup
By Mary Gorman MW, 27 October 2011, The Kitchn, USA
Santorini: Greece’s Great White Wine
By Ed McCarthy, 11 October 2011, The Wine Review Online, USA
Great wine Greek Style
By Andrew Graham, 29 September, OzWineReview’s Posterous, AUSTRALIA
Santorini Wines: Reviews and Impressions
By Alder Yarrow, 9 July 2011, Vinography, US
True Greek Austerity: Assyrtiko
By Jordan Mackay, 6 July 2011, CHOW, US
Champion of Minerality: Assyrtiko
Wine Spectator, June 2011
Santorini Spells out Assyrtiko
By Thei Zervaki, 10 June 2011, HUFFINGTON POST, US
Greek White Wine: Assyrtiko
By Joseph Suzadail, 29 May 2011, WHY WINE BLOG, US
Read the article: #
Greek wines confirmed by 3 star Michelin Restaurant
By Markus Stolz, 23 May 2011, ELLOINOS.COM, GR
Deep old-vine Assyrtiko
By Cynthia Sin-Yi Cheng, 25 April 2011, NEW YORK SALON, US
Greek White Wines From Santorini
By Narsai David, 24 April 2011, CBS SAN FRANCISCO, US
5 Wines from Santorini To Try Now
By Lisa McLaughlin, 29 March 2011, FOOD REPUBLIC, US
Τα κρασιά μας (εξακολουθούν να) σκίζουν στην Αμερική!
Θόδωρος Λέλεκας, 23 Μαρτίου 2011, The TeleGourmet Chronicles, in2Life, Ελλάδα
Gaia Wines
By Constance Chamberlain, 23 January 2011, MICROLIQUOR, US


Classic Wine Direct tastes Thalassitis